Fine Art Portraiture & Sculpture
Curriculum vitae
Edward Jonas, Fine Art Sculptor and Painter
1985 - Present, Edward Jonas, LLC
A traditional fine art studio that specializes in monumental sculpture and painting
1976-1986 Senior Museum Artist & Exhibit Designer, Museum of Florida History
Bureau of Historical Museum
Secretary of State, State of Florida
1972 Bachelor of Fine Arts
Studio Arts, Florida State University
1969 Associate of Arts
Fine Art, Brevard Community College
Iris Cantor
Chair of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation
J. Bruce Wilson, Ph.D., Founder and First President
Brevard Community College, Brevard County, Florida
The Sand Miner's Memorial Monument
Sand Miner's Monument, Inc., Long Island, New York
Bruce A. Rendina, Founder and President
Rendina Companies - A Leader in Healthcare Real Estate Development
West Palm Beach, Florida
Jerome Penn Keuper, Ph.D., Founder and First President
Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida
Mission Bell, Mission San Luis
Department of State, State of Florida, Tallahassee, Florida
Heritage Fountain and Sculptures
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
Raymond D. Nasher, Real Estate Developer, Founder of Nasher Sculpture Center
(Amassed one of the world’s best collections of Modern and contemporary sculpture)
Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.
Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, Texas
Francis Wayles Eppes, Founder and First President
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
Seminole Boosters, Inc., Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
Portrait Society Gold Medal
The Portrait Society of America, Tallahassee, Florida
The Players Club, Gramercy Park, New York City
Sandminer’s Monument, Inc., Sandminer’s Memorial Monument Park
Port Washington, Long Island, New York
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
Smithsonian, National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C.
Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, Texas
Florida House of Representatives, Speaker of the House Portrait Collection,
State of Florida, Tallahassee, Florida
University of Florida, Presidential Collection, Gainesville, Florida
Museum of Florida History, State of Florida, Tallahassee, Florida
A Day in the Life of an Artist, Edward Jonas. Feature article by Wende Caporale,
International Artist, Sidney, Australia / Scottsdale, AZ. Issue 76. January, 2011.
Honoring The Sand Miners Who Built New York City, By Christine Egnoski,
American Art Collector, Scottsdale AZ. Issue 63, January 2011.
The Jerome Keuper Statue, Art and Politics, A Conversation with Edward Jonas.
By Michael Salazar, Florida Tech News. October 2009.
Creating a Tribute to Men and a Mine. By Marcelle S. Fischler
The New York Times, August 24, 2008.
The Artist’s Life: Starting from Scratch, by Lisa Wurster.
American Artist Magazine, April 2007.
Building Paintings and Sculptures on Solid Structures, by M. Stephen Doherty,
American Artist Magazine, April, 2004.
National Sculpture Society
The National Sculpture Society is the oldest organization of professional sculptors in the United States. www.nationalsculpture.org
Artist’s Fellowship, Inc.
The Portrait Society of America
Edward Jonas is Chairman of this 501-C-3 educational organization. Established in 1998, with over 3,000 artist members, and organized to support the arts and enhance the appreciation of portrait and figurative works. www.portraitsociety.org